Aug 042012

Sumtimes it seems like we are kittehs in prison since we r always tryin to tunnel r way out of here. MOL

Yesterday I showed u how to thwok da monsters dat r in da tunnel (or even sit on dem), but today I will shows u dat sumtimes da monster in da [amazon_link id=”B000FOOO6C” target=”_blank” ]cat tunnel[/amazon_link] iz me!

Dats rite dis big ole moose of a cat squeezed his big ole butt into dat tunnel!

Checkin it out fur size.

Moose in da tunnel

I finks I could fit. Do u finks dis belleh can get in dat tunnel?

Moose in da tunnel

Mehbe iffen I could squeez in dis side tunnel door….

Moose in da tunnel


Moose in da tunnel

Dunt even fink about thwokkin me!


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