Apr 272012

Da best way to treat hairballs is prevention. Groomin ur cat regularly iz by far da best way to control dem furs afore dey get into ur kitty’s belly!

A qwik googley search tells us dat we kittehs spend most of our waking time (and since we sleep 16-20 hours a day) we are groomin ourselfs qwite a bit!

how not to groom a kittehAccording to research up to 2/3 of a cat’s shed hair can be ingested az dey groom. (groomin equals lickin and lickin equals swallowed hairs).

When u halp out by groomin ur kitteh u halp reduce the amount of hair going into der gut to form hairballs. Az i said afore prevention iz da key!

We use da [amazon_link id=”B0040QS3PO” target=”_blank” ]FURminator tool[/amazon_link] cause it removes up to 90% off da loose furs and undercoat wif out hurtin ma loverly top coat.

Now I dunt likes to be brushed. I put da bitey on da FURminator n da human dat iz brushin me affer about four strokes. So ma humanz gotta keep up wif me on a daily basis. Cause I am alreddy on meds to regulates ma poops (I haz contipashuns) and a hairball could cause dat to become worse or even a blockage!  So when FURminator came out wif da [amazon_link id=”B0040QS3PO” target=”_blank” ]large cat deshedding tool[/amazon_link] we were very happy. Cause now we gets more of ma furs brushed afore I put da bitey on it! Da tool iz too wide for da little monsters so dey gets to use [amazon_link id=”B000PU31MY” target=”_blank” ]da regular kitteh one[/amazon_link]. We all sez iffen u wanna halp keep ur kitteh healthy and happy FURminate dem regularly!

Since today iz hairball awareness day why not celebrate by going home n groomin ur kitteh? U could make sumfin cool wif da cat hairs when ur dun, MOL.


Disclosure: While I did receive a FURminator product to collect ma furs and to write up a National Hairball Awareness Day post, I still finks grooming ur cat iz da bestest way to avoid hairballs and usin a FURminator to do dat iz a purrty good way of removing undercoat and shed furs. Habbing da product given to me did not color ma opinion in da least it only reinforced wot i alreddy knew.

Warning: Dis post might just contain sum affiliate links but doz not contain peanuts, wheat, soy or egg. Iffen u r allergic to affiliate links we suggest u avoid dem.

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