Aug 252013

I lubs bein a toy tester and fanks to Human2 werkin for we gets to do it quite often. Never a dull moment round here. MOL

Dis week we gotted some of the brand new Scratcher toys from Petstages to try out. First up is da SCRATCHER TUNNEL. By now u shuld knows I LUB TUNNELS! So I really, really wanted to lub dis one. Sadly it wuz not meant to be (fur me at least).

Scratcher Tunnel

Scratcher Tunnel

Scratcher Tunnel

As you can see I wanted to lub it but upon ma closer inspection it is not made fur big kittehs such as maself.

Scratcher Tunnel

But the monsters lubbed it and could fit inside it so I left them to it.

Scratcher Tunnel

Dey played hide n seeks

Scratcher Tunnel

pounce n attacks

Scratcher Tunnel

games of tag

Scratcher Tunnel

Piper LUBS scratchin an upright position so maybe dis halp save the sofa n mattress!

scratcher tunnel

While I can no sez I lub it da monsters do. 2 out of 3 kittehs agree dis iz pawsum fun.

So now you hab seen how pawsum dis scratcher tunnel can be here are a few fings not so great about it. Da next day Piper wuz scratchin on it affer chasing the sisfur inside it and da tunnel collapsed on top of Phoebe! It did not hurt her, but if it wuz a wee kitten it mite hab been hurt. So watch out fur dat. Seems it happened when Piper wuz scratchin too close to da bottom of the tunnel. Sum duct (or iz dat duck?) tape or packin tape across da top might halp stablize dat and keep it from happen agin (which it did once agin da next day). Also da cute patterns along the sides n top are simply glued onto da corrugated cardboard wif wot appears to be rubber cement so it doz not stay too well (da blue sides are gone on one side alreddy). This does not bother us and many people that hab a cardboard eating kitteh like Phoebe will either remove them or lose them purrty soon anywho. Dis toy iz still good enuff to get r seal of approval but ur mileage may vary. MOL

Here are sum pikshurs of the loose embellishments…

scratcher tunnel scratcher tunnel scratcher tunnel scratcher tunnel

Disclaimer: az I sed I wuz given this scratcher tunnel by for to review and dis iz our honest opinion so der! No kittehs were harmed in da making of dis disclaimer.

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