Jul 302015

Pawty hats! Why not? Every cat needs party hats. These hats are for humanz not kittehs dats why Im so excited about them MOL.

Top HatHuman2 has been to a couple of parties that had photo booths set up with fun hats, glasses and other things for the guests to wear for their photos. It is a big business and honestly  do you want to put on hats worn by strangers. She thought get a bunch yourself and only friends will be wearing them. (She’s no pretty face after all, MOL.)

So herz gots dis fine Black Derby and Black Top Hat for to review and and now herz wants more fings!

Each hat is made of felt and is formed well enough (but they are inexpensive party hats after all so we will keep them in boxes to keep them safe). They actually look better in person than the Amazon.com product photos (the derby looked blue). They fit herz fat head so will fit most adult heads too. The ribbon is just a plastic one but that could be swapped out for the real deal to make it nicer looking. But honestly the plastic isn’t too bad. There is no hat band inside so smaller heads will find this hat slipping.

Top Hat HAT DERBY 01

Now to hab a party where furrends can use these. Or H2 haz to start goin to some Steampunk events. MOL.


Disclaimer: We did receive these items free of charge in exchange for our honest review and das wot u see above.

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