Jan 242014

Okai, iffen u follow my bloggy or me on Twitter, facebook or Pinterest u knows ma human lubs LEGO stuffs n dat I lub to halp build da sets n thwok da bricks n minifigures to da floor.

So when we first heard about da LEGO MOVIE (like 2 years ago) we jumped fur joy n now dat movie gonna be in theaters soon (Feb 7th).

To celebrate da LEGO MOVIE and da pawsum sets coming out we r habbin a contest so dat u can wins ur beary own LEGO Crazy Cat Lady minifigure dat will of course be in da movie too!

Mrs Scratchen-PostEmmet’s neighbor Mrs. Scratchen-Post takes her cats with her wherever she goes. She has so many that she can hardly keep track of them all, though that doesn’t stop her from covering all of her belongings with kitty-themed pictures and decorations.

Az u can see herz iz covered in cat hairs!

Da contesty iz open to anybuddy, anywherez I can sendin a padded envelope too. It ends affer da movie premieres. So contest ends Feb 16 (movie opens Feb 7th).

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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