Feb 192012
Gearin Up Fur Da 3rd Annual SCIFIpawty

WOW it iz gettin to be SCIFIpawty agin. I can no believes dat it haz been a year alreddy. Where did da time go? But it ok cause wot we are gearin up to do iz loads of fun (and hard werk, but it all worth it fur sure)! March 24th 2012 will mark da […reads more]

Sep 242011
2011 Walk for the Animals

Today wuz da 34th Walk for the Animals held by da Humane Society of Berks County. We hab been doin da walk for 4 years now. Before we started doin the walk it used to come up past our house n da humanz would sit on da porch and watch da doggy parade go by. […reads more]

Sep 032011
Hot Dudes Cute Kitties da 6 Pack 9 Lives Calendar

At BlogPaws Human2 stopped by da Found Animals booth to see wot dey were up to dis year. If you not knows about Found Animals dey r a great resource for all fings on animal rescue and adoptions. Well dis year dey r halpin promote cat adoptions wif a cool calendar — 6 Packs 9 […reads more]

May 202011
ARL Donations

You knows how I takes all kinds of donations over to the Animal Rescue League of Berks County and usually come back with photos of Human2 playing with the kittehs too? Well yesterday when herz took over the doggy treats to the ARL and went in to play with the kitties as usual they YELLED […reads more]