Mar 242017
Win a Boris Kitty Book at #SCIFIpawty from @KittehBoi & Others

Our pals on Twitter gotted together and made a beary special book about yours truly and I iz so flattered. They even raised moneys wot have been donated to this year’s SCIFIpawty as well! (Wuz da first $50 donated. Fanks you guys!) Now you can win a copy of your very own during #SCIFIpawty. (@sisfurcats […reads more]

Jul 302014
I Haz a Tumblr

I got ma self hooked up wif a few more social medias since I r da kitteh of all media (hope Howard Stern no sues me ovah dat…i dunt fink he will since his wif doz kitteh fostering/rescue). If u hab a tumblr page or know sum good ones please let me know by listin […reads more]