Feb 272013
Get Ur Collectible SCIFIpawty Trading Cards Now!

OMC. Ma furrends ovah at TokiPoki.com did ovah do dem selfs once agin. We hab always lubbed der pawsum anipal trading cards (and have tried to collect all our pals) so when dey sed lets make special edishun for SCIFIpawty I wuz jumpin up and down all excited. Here iz wot ma card will look […reads more]

Dec 202012
I m in Space

Look at me I am in space! I fink dat Tie Fighter needs to be got before it escapes from da bed. I gotted des really cool Star Wars sheets (on sale fur cheap — gotta lub dat Target clearance aisles). Human2 finks der fur her but I haz claimed dem az ma own, Mawahahah! […reads more]