Oct 052009

Human2 comed home wif a bunch of big orange balls herz called punkins pumpkins. herz said we gonna makes dem into jack-o-lanterns fur halloween. I hads never ever seen one of dese afore. It did smells strange n we removed all da guts from da insides.

Having dun ma part I retired to ma favorite spot on da dining room table (shhhh no tells nobuddy, kai) n waited fur all da hard werks ta be duns. Affer a bunch of hours herz comed out wif a Shawnee-0-lantern —- i thought it wuz posed ta be a jack-o-lantern!

Makin dese punkins iz hard werks. I gots ta takes a nutter nap while human2 went back to werk on anutter carving.

here iz da shawnee-o-lantern all litted up. purrty nifty huh?

Den herz comed out wif a kitteh cat pumpkin all carved up…

Who herz fink dis iz??? MOL

Purrty gud likeness, no?


Go ahead n carve ur own Boris-O-Lantern dis year.

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