Aug 192010

Human2 gotted to Virginia late so herz stayed at a beary nice State Park Cabin. (Westmoreland State Park, Montross, Va.) Edgar wuz so tired he jumped rite into bed. He picked da biggest one for himself too! Bad Edgar.

Dey had a beary nice sleep der and gotted up da next day fur to meet Yoda’s Mom and head out fur Atlanta in a new GMC Terrain fanks to da #GMCBarknRide program.

Dis da nice cabin dey stayed in. Human2 sez we needs to go der fur vacashuns sum times. Der wuz lots of deer on da road in at nite but human2 wuz no expecting one rite by da abin in da morning. Herz skeered it off or der would be a pikshure fur sure.

Dis loverly butterfly wuz da only wildlife wot comed around affer herz skeered dat baby deer off.

Edgar sez must hab a good brekkie afore leavin on long dribe. Yup dat be a travel doggy bowl dat he eating out of MOL silly kitteh!

Dis nice puppy stopped by to wish dem a good trip while hims wuz out for he morning walk about reading hiz pee mail in da park. See u at Bark World!

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