Sep 202012

To keep Piper off ma Bed Buddy I made Human2 gib her herz own toy. It more Piper sized. It called a PetCandy Candy Nip. It iz made of soft fleece materials and filled wif powerful good nip. Piper liked it, but fur sum reason herz wanted my Bed Buddy more!

PetCandy Nips

Da fringes r kinda fun n herz haz been spotted carryin da toy round by dem. Dis were fun but I fink overall da Bed Buddy wins out in dis house. We likes r toys on da bigger side.



Disclosure: H2 broughted dis home from werk ( We were not paid or told wot to writes in any way shape or form. I dare u to tell a kitteh dey haz to likes sumfin! Go on try it!


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