Aug 312009

One of ma favoritest places ta be iz da bafroom winder. I luvs hanging out and watching birdies, squirrels and even peeples as dey go by under me. If da humanz iz using da litterbox I pounce on dem to gets up der. Dey no minds (much) and sumtimes I hangs out on da huamnz afore getting in da winder! Dey call dat bafroom luvins (dat cause I not get up on der laps any utter time).

Dis iz me up in ma window watchin az human2 heads off ta werk. (I fink herz would rather stay home and hangs out in da winder wif me). But iffen I wants toys and nom noms I haz ta let herz go off ta werk. (just in case u no can see me dat iz me in da littlest winder on second floor)

Hai I see u seeing me! Where u going? R u coming back in? Should I come running to da back door or stay put? Okai I sees u when u gets home!

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