Dec 082010

Human2 did go ovah to visit Peanut dat sweet kitteh wot wuz shot and dat we all pulled togetter to halp Peanut wif herz BIG vet bill.

Human2 did takes dem a wunnerful big check fur $1210 from all u wunnerful, wunnerful anipals. FANKS U.

Like Kiki, Peanut iz not out of da woods yet. Der recoveries won’t be certain until February and dey both run da risk of losin da leg wot haz des bad injuries.

Peanut comed out of her cage to say howdy to human2. Herz iz a BIG sweet heart. Gibbin H2 nosetaps & cheek rubs all ovah da place. Boy did herz lub chin scritches and rubs behind da ears.

Peanut not too happy about da flashy box, but happy fur visits.

Peanuts owies up close. Makes my sad.

Peanut getting up fur noms. YAY.

We did gib Peanut all da same goodies we gibbed Kiki Last night…comfy bed, blankie, warm cuddle pal, sum toys & we did gets her a Kritter Kondo too. Peanut did play wif one of da catnip toys until human2 did takes it away frum herz cause H2 did not wants Peanut hurtin herself. Herz did bunny kick and lub dat toy. I sure hopes herz gets better qwik so herz can play wif dem toys.

Peanut’s sisfur Honey did check out all da cool prezzies we buyed Peanut.

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