Mar 202013

Dis year we are adding a special autograph room where u can get ur fings “signed” by da stars!

Okay so really it iz an auction held on ebay thru der ebay giving were a portion or all of da auctions sales will go directly to da shelter! We chose dis route cause one it ensures dat ur moneys r goin where we say dey r goin & two it opens up scifipawty to da rest of da universe just a little bit.

We hab some PAWSUM fings fur u to buys (remember it will halp da kittehs at One By One Cat Rescue — U get sumfin dey get sumfin). Da auctions are above and beyond our pawty goal of $2000 donashuns so share da auction linkies wif all ur pals!

Sum of da items we hab are signed Go-Go’s CD insert (ALL 5 Go-go’s signed dis, Jane Wiedlin donated dem & her comic books), Andrienne Barbeau sent us four pawsum signed photos just fur SCIFIpawty. H2 donated a BIG hunk of herz personal collection too (dey are marked az donated by

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