Oct 062011
It iz Pumpkin Time Agin

You all knows how much me and Human2 likes carvin our Halloween pumpkins. ESPECIALLY dem Boris-O-Lanterns. We had even did a Shawnee-O-Lantern and dis year we gonna try r paws at a Buttons-O-Lantern. And dis year we gonna cheat a lil bit for dem foster monsters. I finded kitteh stencils like da doggy ones afore […reads more]

Sep 162011
Kittehs in Space

We are beary sad dat da [amazon_link id=”B004478GDS” target=”_blank” ]Space Shuttle[/amazon_link] did takes its beary last mission so we did build one out of LEGO. Me, Edgar and Human2 did all da work. But dem foster monsters comed up and started gettin up in ma face during LEGO time. Dat’s not right! I am finking […reads more]