Oct 102009

Human2 did werk hard at carvin out dat pumpkin ta looks just like me, but her not haz a stencil until today! Herz did werk just az hard at makin dis stencil so dat all anipals (and herz) can makin der very own ME-O-LANTERN for halloween!

All u need iz a medium sized pumpkin. Den u cuts out a lid n removing all da guts! (Iffen u wants u can separates da guts from da seeds n roasting dem —da seeds not da guts, MOL.)

Since u haz to have ma snoot shining thru da pumpkin u mights wanna scrap from da insides sum more of dat pumpkin meats (wif dat u could makes a pumpky pie frum scratches). Dat way u haz less scrapin n scratchin from da fronts!

So downloading this way cool Boris Jack-o-Lantern for a spooky, cooky Halloween wif u pal — Boris!

PS….my dawgy pals can gets sum way cool doggy stencils over at bhg.com/dogs.

See pikshurs of da carved pumkin (I knows u wanna seed da original Boris-O-Lantern all lighted up!)

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