Aug 012009

Dem fine folks at knows cute when dey sees it! But I only runner up dis time not cutest for da day. (How dare dey!)

USE THE FORCE Boris, Iz not your father! PEOPLE Pets pal @BorisKitty shows off his best Jedi moves, swinging his light saber around the room. Tuesday’s runner-up writes, “I r a Jedi kitteh! If @PeoplePets like me az a trekkie dey gonna like me as a Jedi!”

And u wanna know wot beateded me out on being cutest anipal pikshure on Tuesday? I dawg did! A goofy ole dawg beateded me! I can no balieves it! Okai it iz a cute dawg, but a dawg none da less.

Ready for her close-up, Tuesday’s winner, Scooter, sits pretty atop a mountain. “She’s the cutest puggle on the planet, and she knows it,” writes proud mama Shelly Schmidt (@scooterpuggle). “Just look how she poses!”

Doggies stealin ma spotlight! Wot u fink about dat? I know I not likes it — MOL.

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