Feb 172010

Der iz dis noo movie comin out next week call Da Crazies. Every time we hears da commercial on TV we gets da giggles cause dat is wot Human2 calls it when I go runnin like a crazy boy thru da house.

Well I gotted Da Crazies in da mails yesterday. Okai so it wuzn’t really addressed to me (but everyfing in dis house iz mine so there) and it wuz really comic books from da moovie peeples. But since I claimed dem az mine I thought I would share dem wif you.

Dey can in dis really cool biohazard bag. Wot wuz printed wif crazy fun fings on both sides.

Inside were 2 comic books based on da noo movie. (But da letter wot comed wif dem said der wuz four insides. I haz four pawpaws & der were not dat many comics in dat bag. I finks sumbuddy can no count.)

I guess I will lets Human2 read MY comics and post info over on ScifiSlacker.com when herz habs a free minute or two.

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