Oct 182010

Here the entries! Now we need to do the judging for grand prize and while we do that we need you to vote for the viewer’s choice for best puzzled look. Take a look at all 15 entries shown below. Open each one to view the entry number (or hover over the image) then post your vote below in the comments. Be sure to tell us why you like it and the number of the entry. Only one vote per email address will be counted so everyone has a fair chance at winning. Tell all your friends to come and vote. Multiple votes will be deleted. Vote starts 11/17/2010 and ends  11/30/2010. At which time we will post the winners here on this blog. All winners will be contacted via email for a shipping address should the winners not provide proper contact information a new winner will be chosen.

Puzzled Looks Puzzled Pets Contest Puzzled Looks Puzzled Looks Puzzled Looks Puzzled Look Contest Puzzled Look Contest Puzzling Contest Puzzling Conest Photo Contest Puzzled Look Puzzled Pet Contest Puzzled Look Contest Puzzled Pets Puzzled Pets

Original Contest information and prize descriptions can be found here: A Puzzling Contest: Give Us Your Best Puzzled Look

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  70 Responses to “A Puzzling Contest: Entries & Voting”

  1. BOL! #4 doesn’t look puzzled so much as flat out annoyed! And @Bijntje just looks happy as usual. 🙂

  2. #7 The way that dog is standing up makes him/her look more curious.

  3. Entry 11

  4. #11. Definitely. Silly Maggie!

  5. Nr 11 looks realy puzzeled

  6. I vote for #7. The way the dog stands straight up and looking into the camera, and says take a picture of me. I’m way too cute

  7. #7 ears up and standing up looks very curious and puzzled

  8. #7 — Cuz’ she’s just extremely puzzled! So much so, she had to stand up and get a better perspective on the situation.. 😮

  9. I am voting for Pebbles. She is an adopted dog and loves her home. She is one of our favorite dog friends. She is loving and giving. She wants to win to help her foster friends.

  10. Pebbles is the winner. She is jumping up to capture your heart. She wants those foster babies to have their toys. Voting for Pebbles!

  11. Voting for Pebbles. She is loving and cares foir her other dog friends. She wants all those dogs to have their toys. It is the giving season.

  12. Entry # 7 – Very cute, alert and puzzled at the same time. Maybe she’e standing up to get closer to whatever is puzzling her?

  13. Number 7 should win…..Its looks like he is saying what we doing now mom!!!!

  14. It looks like he is saying what we going to do next mom !!!

  15. #7…..absolutely adoreable!!!!

  16. #7…he’s just cute as can be.

  17. The cute #7…looks like she’s just asking, “Please vote for me?”

  18. I’m voting for Pebbles. She looks puzzled b/c someone just told her she’s a teensy tiny Dalmatian, after all.

  19. #7 “What was that you said? What do I need to do? Do you need me to help you with something”……………..sweet!

  20. I vote for #5. I do that exact same look but mom was not able to capture it. Mom makes a TV reference I do not understand when describing it. She calls it the “What you talkin about Willis” look.

  21. I vote for #7! Pebbles is clearly puzzled!

  22. I love pebbles #7 I know her and her mom and they are great!!!

  23. # 7 Pebbles ROCKS!
    Go Pebbles, you are so cute, you are just stilling the show.

  24. #5 all the way! look at that face! she’s trying so hard to figure out what’s going on.

  25. #7 should be the winner!

  26. #5 all the way across the votes!!!
    love the bug eyed head cock! others just appear to be standing around

  27. Entry number 7 is the best becuz she’s got the little head tilt and she’s up on her hind legs

  28. #7 is so cute. I’m a little prejudice because she looks like my dog. But she is definitely wanting to know whats going on.

  29. #7!!! Puzzled as to why mom hasn’t given her the treat she has in her hand!!

  30. I do think it is going to has to be that nummer seben, whoever that doggie do be wot I has nefur seened afore in my life. (Hai Busy Buttons!)

  31. Um, there are two #7s….

  32. Number 6 —they look like perfect pals – Laurel and Hardy type…One is the leader and the other one follows…

  33. #6 Awesome dogs!

  34. #6 both winners. so hard to choose which baby is cuter

  35. The big dog is puzzled why the little dog is trying to steal the show … just wanna hug them in picture #6

  36. #6, a true “mini-me”!

  37. I’m gonna have to vote for #5 — that head tilt makes me think something’s puzzling!

  38. And no #12

  39. hai it hard to paw dem lil keys MOL

  40. Fixed dat my renumbering Buttons az 77.5 MOL.

    Reading the comments I could tell the votes fur 7 were fur da little guy up on hind legs.

  41. I cast my vote for #7 because she is expressing her puzzlement with her whole body!

  42. Tanks Boris…someone toll me I was numbah ate…but I said…nopie…it show #7 so tats what i is…….. :-3 hugs and wags…Pebbles

  43. #7…She seems to be saying, “What? Aren’t dogs SUPPOSED to stand on just their hind legs?”

  44. The little one looks like a mouse in disguise!

  45. oh yeah, #6!!!!!!!!!!

  46. #7 because Peeps is a little doll!

  47. #6 for sure!!!!! they look so cute together!!!!!!!!! Luv it.

  48. No. 6 … the face on the bigger dog is clearly saying, “WHY?”

  49. Pebbles, Puzzled Dog Number 7 is the best.

  50. I vote for number seven because nothing says puzzled better than being on two legs. 🙂

  51. No. 7

  52. No. 7. Her befuddlement brought her legs right off of the ground!

  53. #6
    The look on the older dog’s face says it all.
    ‘Why me?’

  54. #6
    Just look at these two, so seeking direction on what to do.

  55. Number 7: She’s stretching up to see “What?” with her head slightly tilted!
    Very puzzling!

  56. #6. Looks like they are trying to ask, “Hey, watcha got there, huh?”

  57. #7 What? What did I do?

  58. #7… what a cutie!!!

  59. #7 What a puzzled look!!!!!

  60. #7 Puzzled, curious AND cute!

  61. #7 – so much energy being in it!

  62. Number 6, because the look on the older dog’s face says “I might be wrong, but I’m pretty sure this ISN’T the Hide-A-Squirrel toy I asked for”

  63. #7 looks very puzzled.

  64. I vote for #7, the look is very brave but befuddled…”..U say WHAT??”

  65. Number 7

  66. #7..pick me pick me

  67. Number 7 is my vote. She has kind of the Robert DeNiro look. “You talkin’ to me? Are you talkin’ to me?!”

  68. Wonderful job:) Will need a decent amount of time to entertain your writing!

  69. #6!
    mom, when is she going home? Wait, she’s here to stay?

  70. No. 6 – they seem to be wondering what the flash is all about.

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