Sep 192010

Yester day I did sends ma Human2 off on a mission of delivering donashuns to da cat rescue — One By One (U mite remember dem az da group wot could not takes me cause dey wuz all full up. But dat a-ok wif us cause dat iz why I hab ma forever home here wif Human1 & Human2!)

Az u can see we had TONS of fings to deliver thanks to dem great peeples over at & their wunnerful customers wot donates thru der webby site. We also added da beds and loads more toys to makes dis an AWESUM PAWSUM DONATIONS to dis great group. Plus we wanted to get our paws on dem cute little babies from dat sweet poor Skittles dat da ARL did do wrong.

O My Cat! Look how cutes & sweets dem lil babies iz! Dey doz hab a forever home & dey will be going to it purrty soon. We iz beary happy dat we gotted to meets dem afore dey mooves away. Good lucks to u in ur forever & ever home girls!

Now lets me tellz u, dem nice peeples at One By One sure doz luv dem kittehs, but I also knows dey would likes to hab every single one of dem moove out to a forever home. So I would likes u to see sum of dem cute cute kittehs wot needs a special person to comes into der lives.

I finks da pikshures truly doz sez a 1000 werds dunt u? Iffen you want more informashuns on any of dem kittehs please contacts dem peeples at One By One dey will be able to halp u out or check out the available kittehs ovah at

Iffen you wanna see even MORE pikshure from our visit check out ma One By One photo album on facebooks.

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