Sep 232009

I just wanna say a big FANK U to all my anipals. U iz wunnerful n really, truly pawsum to halp me halp da anipals in my local humane society! Dey iz not part of a national organization n dey depends on events like dis to be ables ta take gud cares of da kittehs n dawgs wot dey haves.

While da Walkie Fur da Anipals iz dis Caturday, I will be able to collect donations for a whiles affer. So no worries iffen u can gibs now or needs ta waits until affer da pawpawty. And u no need to gib lots ever lil bit counts n it all goes to da anipals in need.

We have $200 so far n dat iz just pawsum.

Fanks agin, u guys iz da bestest ever!!!

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