Mar 202013

Our most excellent sekurity team members are here to halp you. If you are new to pawties or seem lost or need ot point out sum infrakshun please seek out da red shirt on duty at da time. Our team members are wearing a black armband dis year to remembers a fellow security chief @brutusthedane ( U will be missed big guy).

@BloodhoundNdots @CheshireK @iamDaisyDoo @ilovejambutties

@indykitty @JBHippo @nutmegtorby

@OdyMaltese @OllyTed @terenceterrier

Tip da sekurity officers or donates to da red shirt ball in honor of @Brutusdane here:


USA EDT Eastern Daylight Time USA CDT Central Daylight Time USA MDT Mountain Daylight Time USA PDT Pacific Daylight Time UK GMT AU (QLD) EST – Queensland Only NewZealand (Auckland) NZDT RED SHIRT
11amSat 10:00amSat 9:00am Sat 8:00am Sat 3:00pm Sat 1:00am Sun 4:00am Sun @JBHippo
Noon Sat 11:00amSat 10:00am Sat 9:00am Sat 4:00pm Sat 2:00 am Sun 5:00am Sun @BloodhoundNdots
1:00pmSat Noon Sat 11:00am Sat 10:00am Sat 5:00pm Sat 3:00 am Sun 6:00am Sun @ilovejambutties
2:00 pmSat 1:00 pmSat NoonSat 11:00AMSat 6:00pm Sat 4:00 am Sun 7:00 amSun @OdyMaltese
3:00 pmSat 2:00 pmSat 1:00 pmSat NoonSat 7:00 pmSat 5:00 amSun 8:00 amSun @terenceterrier
4:00 pmSat 3:00 pmSat 2:00 pmSat 1:00 pmSat 8:00 pmSat 6:00 amSun 9:00 amSun @OllyTed
5:00 pmSat 4:00 pmSat 3:00 pmSat 2:00 pmSat 9:00 pmSat 7:00 amSun 10:00 amSun @OllyTed
6:00 pmSat 5:00 pmSat 4:00 pmSat 3:00 pmSat 10:00 pmSat 8:00 amSun 11:00 amSun @iamDaisyDoo
7:00 pmSat 6:00 pmSat 5:00 pmSat 4:00 pmSat 11:00 pmSat 9:00 amSun NoonSun @iamDaisyDoo
8:00 pmSat 7:00 pmSat 6:00 pmSat 5:00 pmSat Midnight Sat/Sun 10:00 amSun 1:00 pmSun @indykitty
9:00 pmSat 8:00 pmSat 7:00 pmSat 6:00 pmSat 1:00 am Sun 11:00 amSun 2:00 pmSun @CheshireK
10:00 pmSat 9:00 pmSat 8:00 pmSat 7:00 pmSat 2:00:002:00 am Sun NoonSun 3:00 pmSun @NutmegTorby
11:00 pmSat 10:00 pmSat 9:00 pmSat 8:00 pmSat 3:00 am Sun 1:00 pmSun 4:00 pmSun Pawty End

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