Mar 262012

Ma humanz finded der yearbooks da utter day and spent hours sitting there going thru them and havin good memories of friends and fun times.

Shutterfly just came out with a really cool photo yearbook dat you can make yourself (but schools can use their services too). Since Human2 wuz on the year book in high school this really appeals to herz.

We were finkin it would be a PAWSUM fing to make a year book of all our online anipals and all da cool fings we do (like SCIFIpawty etc).

Other yearbook ideas we had include:

  • family reunions (fun thing to do at reunion take yearbook photos)
  • home school or cyber school (to chronicle the events of the year)
  • Companies (would work better for small companies i finks)

The online yearbook is just one more cool memory keeping project you can do over at

Why not  follow Shutterfly on these social channels too (we do):


Disclosure: While I will be getting a photo book sumtime in da future, it in no way changes ma thoughts on how cool a yearbook photo book iz and how we could mehbe use it fur an anipal yearbook.

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