Nov 132009

I hopes all u black kittehs did stay safe dis Friday the 13th…u nose dem humanz n der superstitions.

Well I did no haz bad lucks 2day! I did gets mails. It wuz ma pwize from Nutro wot I did win on Twitter for all ma donations n hard werks of bribin ma pals on twitter to votey fur me.

I gotted this box wot wuz meowin and meowin. When da human did finally opened it up n dis wot we gotted. It wuz filled to da gills wif fun stuffs. A plushy kitty, a stainless nom nom bowl and a BIG bag of dat Natural kitteh food from Nutro.

It say der an animals in dis box but i not sees one! Where iz u at?

Look at dis huge bag of Nutro Natural Choice kitteh fuds i did gets! Fank u Nutro.

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